So little time...

So MUCH TO DO! Today is the first day in WEEKS that I have had a second to breathe... and what do I do with my first morning off since March? Blog, I say.

Lots happening. So here we go:

1. The Winnebago Man trailer has been released! (After much deliberation/cordial clashing on tag lines and pull quotes with the my wonderful Advanced Producing class... "The Man. The Myth. The Mouth." was chosen. JIC you are super worried about it, I voted and argued on this tag line's behalf.) THE POINT: July 9th: be there or just succumb to letting your mind be a piece of shit that morning.

2. Season finales! (Quick re-cap/reactions: Community- ANNIE YOUZA HO!; The Office- Holly returns?!; 30 Rock- Matt. Effing. Damon.; Parks & Rec- Andy and April forever; 90210- LAME; Gossip Girl- OK, really? Chuck Bass is not *dead* - he'll be in a coma until mid-series-premiere-episode, DUH; House- CUDDY AND HOUSE FOREVER!; Vampire Diaries- Holy Roller Novocain! This is OOC! Shit just hit da fan. Pee in ma pantz! Can't even wait.)

3. SERIES FINALES! LOST ended last night... forever... and there will be an entire post dedicated to my afterthoughts (solely written as a separate post for those who wish to read the headline and skip my opinions altogether). But let me just say: Darlton, I'm disappointed. FUCK THIS "BIG PICTURE" BULLSHIT. I'VE DEDICATED TOO MUCH TIME TO THE MYTHOLOGY OF THIS SHOW JUST TO HAVE IT CAST ASIDE LIKE MY DOG SHEEBA WHO MY MOM MAKES LIVE IN OUR SIDE YARD BECAUSE HE DEVELOPED A HERNIA THAT COSTS TOO MUCH TO FIX!

4. I've read two books so far this summer. ("How do you have time to read books and not have time to blog?" you ask... "Whatever, screw you." I say). First of all: The Apothecary's Daughter. Thoughts: very easy, quick read; kind of a beach-read version of Pride and Prejudice. Second of all: The Help. Thoughts: why the hell are people so obsessed with this book?! No. I did not enjoy.

5. Now, I'm literally counting down the seconds (approximately 39,678 at the time of this post) until The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest is released. I pre-ordered that shiz on my Kindle in DECEMBER 2009! Can't wait... Meanwhile: the Swedish film version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was FAWESOME. As always, I will point out that the movie did gloss over a few details, but the overall story was unaffected by these omissions. More importantly, the cinematography is dark and beautiful, the acting is GREAT (as far as I can tell since I don't speak Swedish and all), and it's well worth your time. Obviously you should read the book before you see the film, but here's the trailer:
Oh yeah, and now David Fincher is making an English-language adaptation. With Brad Pitt. And apparently Carey Mulligan. I like all three, but I'm not in favor of adapting already amazing films for stupid American audiences who can't tolerate subtitles. Wash.

6. I leave for NYC in less than a week!!!! YEAH. I'm in an Empire State of Mind, baby. (OK, I've waited a long time to say that, so let me have my moment.)


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