Pandora is stalking my life.

My roommate Callie and I use the occasional morning before work to pretend we're Broadway starlets-- singing (and sometimes acting out?) various show tunes. Her VERY favorite to perform is "I'll Cover You" from RENT (definitely my least favorite from the entire RENT offertory, however, I've agreed to indulge her in this song as long as I get to play Mark during "La Vie Boheme"-- TO ABSOLUT, TO CHOICE, TO THE VILLAGE VOICE -- I digress).

I spend a considerable time at work creating and crafting the perfect Pandora stations, and my latest masterpiece is a little something I like to call "Theatricality" (taken from the title of a Glee episode), which is a wonderful mixture of Broadway tunes, Glee songs, and classic Disney music. Pandora has this new nifty pop-up that tells you when your friends like the same stuff you're listening to. FIRST element in this unsolved mystery: I haven't linked my Facebook and Pandora, so HOW do they know who I'm friends with?

Yesterday, a pop-up appears telling me that Callie Porter "likes" "I'll Cover You" - I'm thinking "Crazy! Callie DOES love that song!" When I casually mentioned this to her later, she is baffled. She doesn't have Pandora. She doesn't have Hype Machine (not that she would be downloading show tunes from hypem anyways!). She doesn't have ANYTHING about RENT written on Facebook. Hasn't downloaded the songs on iTunes. Never mentioned on Twitter. (Side note: I'm officially a media SLUT.) WHAT THE DEALIO?!!

(I apologize for the quality of this image, as my work computer is a PC so no screen caps-- how archaic!)

I refuse to believe this is a random coincidence. Pandora is stalking my life. I'm sending out an SOS to the cyber world: Does ANYONE know how they get this info?? Am I overlooking some simple element? Help a girl out!


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